Thursday, July 30, 2009

What is the BEST site to learn C++ with NO prior experience in programming?

I am very new to the whole programming game. I bought a book not to long ago called "C++ Without Fear", but I am having a hard time reading what this guy writes half the time.

I have also been to "Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days" but again, this website assumes too much knowledge in programming in my opinion.

Is there a *FREE* website that offers a tutorial to fluently (or at least close to that) learn c++?

What is the BEST site to learn C++ with NO prior experience in programming? and are probably your two best sites to get standard tutorials. You'll also want to keep track of and (it's offline at the moment, but you can get mirrors at anytime by googling for C FAQ).

Other sites are usually suspect (this includes the 21 days site). Most resources on C++ are either incorrect in various ways or are obsolete., as well as the Devshed C++ Forum and Daniweb C++ forums have some very knowledgeable professionals to help out, and you should rely on them to correct mistakes initially. Their help can make a significant difference in how easily and painlessly you learn.

With C++ however, the real way to learn it is to get books. You can get an idea of how it works through online tutorials, and you probably will want to start out with online tutorials, but if you are serious about learning it, you absolutely must get a number of recognized and important books for C++. There's a lot, and I mean a lot, of old, incorrect, or otherwise terrible C++ books. Most of them aimed at beginners. The two books I recommend, and the books/authors are recognized in the C++ world, are C++ Primer (4th edition) by Lippman and Accelerated C++ by Koenig. Other recognized books are too advanced. You may find both books to be just a bit too fast paced, and assuming too much though (they really don't, but you might find it so). Apparently You can do it! ( ) is also a good book. I haven't seen it myself, but the author is definitely a recognized expert, and you can actually get his help sometimes on comp.lang.c++ and similar usenet groups. Might be worth getting his book.

wud be best for ya
Reply:Right off the bat I can tell you need to drop the idea that your going to be a master of programming in C++ in under a month. A programming language takes time to learn the concepts and then properly creating a program that works. One of the hardest parts of programming for beginners comes at compile time. The frustration of errors can be too much for some. I'm sure you've experienced some of that already.

As I was saying, Its going to take you just under a year to get the basics down without referencing a manual. If it is something that you do leisurely then it will take longer. The only way you get better is to do more. Even the silly assignments in the back of chapters in books can help you learn more.

Some books are better than others in some respect. Some people like myself consider some books pathetic in the lack of real world examples. I've seen countless books use "Dog" and "Cat" classes, part of programming, in them.

You should have a few books, not beginner only, to be used to learn from and use as references. A few suggestions are:

Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects


C++ Primer Plus (5th Edition) (Primer Plus (Sams))

Now, to answer your question. There isn't going to be a superior webpage to learn C++ for free. Some will be better than others, but none of them will teach you everything there is to know and get a job in programming. You might find some online college that gives more in depth training through some sort of online "pay for tuition" type class, but it is not free.

The "Best" website that I can think of to learn from for most web languages all in one place is: W3Schools , but no C++ here.

Another site to learn the very basics is @ just scroll down to the programming languages section.

As for a good IDE to help you catch errors and compile your program I suggest Eclipse found @ make sure you have Java installed on your computer to run it.
Reply:Visual C is a good way to start if you are a beginner. There are many tutorials and stuff for that and it is targeted at people with no prior experience. It would be a good foundation before starting C++.
Reply:No C/C++ are too ancient for someone to have done that, you may try the '... for Dummies' series their introductory books are kinda good, while I consider myself too experienced to make use of those books they are unrivaled as to write it in a way that, well, a dummy can understand.

Skimp the entire book in store before you buy, although C++ goes hand in hand with its predecessor C, start with that.
Reply:i would suggest you try dummies for C++ it is really helpful for people starting or who have no pior knowledge to C++ programming
Reply:if u find any best site to learn C++ or any other language programme, u may get information from there, but in my openion the best way to get more and more knowledge for C++ is the virtual teacher.

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